High-Protein, Low-Sugar Vegan Smoothie Cubes

The Problem

Create high-protein, low-sugar vegan smoothie cubes that overcame issues related to the grittiness of vegan protein, maintained a sense of freshness despite being frozen, masked any “off” flavors from vegan protein and sugar replacements, as well as finding appropriate contract manufacturers for this novelty food product.

smoothie cubes

The Process

Siena started by creating a range of 5 flavors to offer variety and appeal to a broad consumer base. We utilized natural flavor enhancers to mask the “off” flavors from vegan protein and sugar replacements, eliminating any aftertaste.

Our team also developed a specialized processing method to reduce the grittiness commonly associated with high quantities of vegan protein. In addition, we experimented with natural preservatives and freezing techniques to maintain a sense of “freshness” in the frozen smoothie cubes.

We also leveraged our existing relationships with vendors to identify and secure appropriate suppliers and contract manufacturers for each stage of production, from ingredient sourcing to final production.

Finally, we implemented rigorous quality control measures to ensure consistency in flavor, texture, and nutritional content across all production batches.

The Solution

Using specialized processing methods, Siena created a line of high-protein, low-sugar vegan smoothie cubes with a smooth consistency and “fresh fruit” taste experience. Our team also vetted and secured appropriate suppliers and contract manufacturers for this novelty food product, allowing client to launch on time.

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